The United Scholastic Academy has state of the art facilities with a dedicated basketball practice and game courts. It is our vision that with a new basketball performance center, the Academy will continue its ascent as one of the top prep academies in Canada. We provide all of our teams and players with the infrastructure they need to continue striving for championships and more importantly, scholarships. These new centres will help provide a transformative experience for our student-athletes, giving them an unmatched opportunity to become top high school basketball players in Canada.
Adding much needed (multi-court) practice and programming space will alleviate any scheduling challenges. With our new centres in place, coaches will have more flexibility to schedule practice sessions throughout the day, giving student-athletes more time for their studies and extracurricular activities.
These dedicated spaces will include an expanded strength and conditioning centre that is specifically tailored to the needs of basketball & baseball student-athletes as well as state-of-the-art meeting rooms for our dedicated coaches. These amenities will give our basketball program a competitive edge in recruiting efforts and help attract the nation’s top talent while positioning United Scholastic Academy as a top-tier program. Our recruits will step inside a facility dedicated to their success and leave knowing they have the opportunity to be a part of a stellar high school athletic program.